Workforce News

Wildflyer Coffee Brews Solutions for Youth Homelessness

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31 October 2023

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota estimates 6,000 youth experience homelessness on any given night, with about half in the Twin Cities area. There are many contributing factors like involvement in the justice system, neglect, abandonment or family conflict. 也许这些年轻人找到住处的最大障碍是找到并维持工作. One Twin Cities coffee shop is using its brews as a means to address that issue. 

“我们相信,我们可以教育社区,让他们了解我们地区的青少年无家可归是什么样子,同时与年轻人一起发展他们的独立性,为更稳定的未来而努力。,” said Wildflyer Coffee Program Manager Kenzie Diessner. 

Wildflyer Coffee是一家非营利性咖啡店,位于圣保罗和明尼阿波利斯. 虽然Wildflyer生产的咖啡味道很好,但它相信自己的咖啡也能做善事. 其使命是“通过培养生活技能和个人赋权,为无家可归和住房不稳定的青年创造就业机会”,” Wildflyer has built a program to accomplish that goal. 

联合创始人兼执行董事Carley Kammerer于2017年创立了Wildflyer,最初是一辆小型咖啡车, catering at small events and markets. 第一家实体店于2020年在明尼阿波利斯开业,并于2023年在圣保罗开设了一家分店. Wildflyer团队的背景根植于社会工作和各种青少年活动, imparting a deep understanding of the issues revolving around youth homelessness. 

“With our awareness of the cyclic nature of youth homelessness, 我们希望创造一个有尊严的就业空间,并有机会发展能够阻止这种循环的技能, " said Diessner. 

Training program

Wildflyer’s Coffee Work & “生活技能培训计划”是一个为期四个月的就业培训计划,旨在培养16-24岁青年找到和维持稳定就业所需的个人技能和专业技能,并使他们永远摆脱无家可归. 迪斯纳估计,与Wildflyer合作的青少年中,约有20%受到司法影响, but the homelessness issue goes well beyond that.

“Getting a job is not the issue; keeping a job is,” she said. “当你不知道晚上在哪里睡觉或下一顿饭从哪里来的时候,坚持按时上班是很有挑战性的.”

The program includes three sections. 首先是传授咖啡店日常运营所必需的硬技能, with graduates capable of working in any coffee shop as a typical barista. The second involves education on the soft skills necessary to keep a job, 从出勤和准时到与员工和客户的适当沟通和互动. 最后一部分是通过支持人员和就业顾问对模拟面试的指导,开发一个“你的作品集”, resume preparation and other aspects to complete their readiness for the workforce. 

“我们的目标不仅是对我们的学员进行就业培训,还要帮助他们培养信心,在一个让他们梦想未来的空间里保持有酬工作,” said Diessner.
Wildflyer’s impact in 2022 by the number is impressive: $85,000 in wages paid and 3,500 hours of youth employment, 80%的年轻人在毕业后三个月的报到时仍有工作或入学,住房状况稳定.

Solutions for struggles

Youth experiencing homelessness suffer through numerous obstacles, whether it be time in the criminal justice system, the draw of substance abuse, mental health or other issues. Wildflyer's leadership does not shy away from working through those situations, with flexible accountability the phrase that best defines their approach.

“We want our program participants to know we care about them, that Wildflyer can be a safe space to make mistakes and grow, 但这也意味着要围绕工作场所的责任和期望以及他们对未来的期望进行艰难的对话,” said Diessner.

Many employers would fire an employee for showing up late, but at Wildflyer, 这个场景被看作是一个起点,与个人见面,在那里他们谈论他们的外部生活中发生了什么,导致了这一点.

“我们尊重他们的情况,希望和他们谈谈成长和改进的可能性,” said Diessner. “我们相信普遍的人类尊严,并以优雅的方式领导,希望在我们所有的同龄人中发展这种尊严.”

Appreciation for partners

Collaborations with numerous partners help make Wildflyer’s mission a reality. Diessner指出,在硬技能训练领域,Normandale College和Caribou Coffee是典型的例子, 谁与他们合作创建了一个客户服务工作坊,让学生在学校获得继续教育学分. 

“我们非常感谢他们的工作,驯鹿对我们项目参与者的意向和对传授行业客户服务原则的关注给我们留下了深刻的印象,” she said. 

Long-time partner Avivo offers employment counseling, emphasizing the importance of continuity and consistency in career development.

“Avivo一直与我们的年轻人在他们的旅程中保持一致,” said Diessner.

The building where Wildflyer’s Minneapolis location is housed is also the office of Two Betty’s Green Cleaning Service. 该公司为搬进公寓或生活空间的年轻人设计了一套清洁工具.

Diessner说:“今年我们已经有7个年轻人搬进了自己的生活空间. “The cleaning kit may seem simple, but it's a resource and symbol of their progress.”

More to do

After adding the second location in 2023, Diessner认为是时候考虑Wildflyer下一步的编程方向了.

“我们已经成立了一个青年咨询委员会,帮助我们确定毕业生在离开Wildflyer并进入下一个就业机会时需要什么样的持续支持,” she said. “我们还将继续与企业发展战略合作伙伴关系,聘请我们项目的毕业生,并提供一个鼓励学习和成长的工作环境."

Wildflyer每年接受四次申请,并将于11月开始接受下一轮申请. Apply here to be part of the Work Experience Program. Those interested in helping Wildflyer Coffee with its mission can donate here

Ramsey County Workforce Services has numerous programs aimed at helping employers find qualified workers, including justice-impacted individuals. Contact us today to learn more about Fair Opportunities, 爱博体育手机版下载和爱博体育手机版下载劳动力创新委员会在信息方面的合作, 资源和活动,以帮助雇主更好地了解雇用受刑事司法系统影响的个人的价值.

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